Thursday, March 16, 2006

Groove: News update

Although it is known some time that there is going to be a close bundling between the MS Office suite, Sharepoint Sites and Groove here is a quick update.

  • The name will change to "Office Groove 2007".
  • It will be the official Sharepoint Site client to perform offline availability and it is also planned to support check-in and check-out functionality.
  • Integration with Infopath.
  • Office Groove Server 2007 will bundle the now available different server editions (maybe then on a MSDN account available :) )
If you want to connect a bunch of people, rapidly and secure in a Windows environment than just give it a try. There is a free test edition available and you can purchase a Sharepoint offsite licence today.

In my opinion Groove is still rocking.

Information source:
Groove FAQ
German site Computerwoche.

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