Sunday, January 14, 2007

First post 2007!

So this is the first post this year after a fabulous week in London.
Sunday is always good for reading, writing and a little napping :)

Links noticed so far:
Seth Godin quotes an article form the Guardian on How to be remarkable. I prefer to post the link to the original article because what´s most important is what is said after the obligatory 10 bullets. Read yourself.

The second one is also from Seth but handles another topic. Tactic & Strategy but maybe it´s just about thinking or life planning. Mainly it says that it depends more on doing the right thing than on doing something right. What is which is as always in the eye of the beholder.
A good book on thinking and success bought this week: Tactics by Edward de Bono.

The third one:
ITU Report on
A lot has been written on wikis, social networks, IM and other technical solutions on how to communicate or collaborate. My parents still don´t have internet access and my mother rejects to start blogging from a distance, which I consider a plausible alternative to start it, so still some miles to go.

Mass media this week: iPhone, therefore I am.

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