Sunday, March 04, 2007

"It´s 99% luck."

An interesting article I recommend reading is today from David Maister whose blog I regularly read:
He writes about personal styles of employees and he muses on whether those preferences, which he compares to animal stlyes are flexible or not. Imho I think that strongly depends on the background, experiences and vision people follow. The most interesting part of the article is that neither of the styles receives a "label" putting some sort of judgement on it but is described to clarify which decisions have to be made when dealing with human resources.

Browsing through some old entries I found an update with an interview of Warren Buffet Darren Johnson did, where he describes the concept of "circle of competence" and the importance to stay in it.
In my area this has been a mixture of software development and project marketing, with effort being put on survival against outsourcing trends. Now I am following the trend and you can find my profile here.
[via darrenjohnson]

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